




高頻電子組 Electromagnetic Waves Group


Extension 5795







  • 康乃爾大學電機所博士 ( 1983/8 ); PhD, Cornell University, USA
  • 中正理工學院電機所微波組碩士 ( 1975/8 ); MSEE, CCIT, Taiwan
  • 中正理工學院電子系學士 (1970/8) ; BSEE, CCIT, Taiwan


  • 長庚大學教授 電子系教授 (2007-); Professor, Chang Gung University
  • 瑞士维多利亞大學客座教授及院長 (2003-2007) Professor, VU, Switzerland
  • 新加坡南洋理工大學 通信系副教授 (1990-2006) Assoc Prof, NTU
  • 中山科學研究院 電子所研究員 (1975-1990) Senior Researcher, CSIST



  • 高頻量測
  • 電波工程實驗
  • 科技英文寫作(一)
  • 企業组織與工作倫理


  • 溝通技巧與領導統御
  • 科技英文寫作(二)
  • 衛星通信
  • 現代通訊專論


  • 微波工程與毫米波積體電路
  • 電磁帶隙微波平面波導研究
  • 毫米波基片積體波導天缐
  • 毫米波電磁帶隙波束旋轉天缐晶片


傅祥教授,美國康乃爾大學電機博士。專長微波通信。曾任職清華交大及中科院20年,新加坡南洋理工大學16年,客座瑞士維多利亞大學教授及院長4年,現任長庚大學電子系教授及高速智能通信研究中心主任。學術研究年資逾40年。教授曾主持或共同主持過衛星、通信、微波、毫米波計劃逾50件,發表過國際SCI期刊論文逾70篇,參加及主持過歐` 美` 亞`澳`日各地國際性研討會100餘場,曾獲1983年總统績學獎章,1985年總统忠勤勳章,2000年香港國際炎黄文化金質獎章,2001年國際電子電機學會美國AES最佳論文獎,2009年國際天缐近場測試與成像研討會優秀論文獎,2009年海峡兩岸無缐電會議優秀論文獎,2010年國際高速智能通信論壇優秀論文獎等。近年研究主要為平面電磁带隙相移器晶片,毫米波陣列天缐晶片,波束形成與轉動晶片系统等之設計製作及量測。

    Dr. Jeffrey S. Fu received his BS and MS degrees, both in Electrical Engineering, from Chung Cheng  Institute of Technology, Taiwan, in 1970 and 1975, respectively, and his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University, USA, in 1983.  He served as Research Assistant from 1973 to 1975 in Microwave Lab, Chung Cheng Institute of Technology (CCIT), Taiwan, where he developed thick film resistor Ruthenium paste deposition, screening, oven profile control, laser trimming processes and film thickness and film resistivity measurement procedures. He joined the Microwave Integrated Circuits Lab, Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST), Taiwan in 1975, and had developed Chrome/Titanium/Gold sputtered Ceramic substrate for microwave integrated circuits thin film resistor and active circuit integration. He had developed a GaAs IMPATT diode based X-band power amplifier in 1976 and a Si-Bipolar transistor based C-band FM transmitter and receiver front end module in 1977. In 1983, He had designed and implemented the first angle evaporation formed 0.5 um gate length GaAs FET based, 6-18 GHz, 500 mW output, wideband MMIC power monolithic amplifier and became the President’s Research Medal recipient at the same year and the President’s Diligent Medal recipient in 1985. He had also been the Visiting Engineer of Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, USA in 1975-1976 and Visiting Scientist of RCA Company, Moorsetown, New Jersey, USA in 1979-1980. From 1990 to 2006, Dr. Fu was with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, as a Senior Lecturer and then promoted to an Associate Professor. In 1990’s, he had involved several substrate structure analysis and passive devices application researches on Multilayer Substrates and Overlays studies, FEM/BEM and FDTD methods based filter and antenna design. From 2000 to 2006, he had involved in DC and noise characterization of metamorphic InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP DHBT on GaAs substrates, characterization of symmetrical spiral inductor in 0.35 um CMOS technology, parameter extraction of SiGe HBT, frequency synthesizer implemented in SiGe BiCMOS technology and high efficiency oscillator design at 10GHz using 0.18-μm CMOS technology. He had also involved in PBG-assisted microstrip filter and antenna array designs. Dr. Fu joined the Electronic Engineering Department, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, in 2007 as a Professor. Since then, he has engaged in GaAs 0.15um-based and CMOS 0.13um and 90 nm-based microwave and millimeter wave monolithic circuit and system design which include 24/77 GHz Radar T/R modules, 28/60 GHz RF-Over-Fiber up/down link T/R modules and beam-steered reconfigurable DGS phased arrays. His research also involves the GaAs pHEMT Switches with Various Upper/Lower δ Doped Ratio Designs.

    Since 1997, Dr. Fu has published over 70 international journal papers and more than 160 conference papers and chaired various international conferences. He was the Founding Chairman and General Chairman of 2009, 2010 and 2011 High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum, held in Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. Dr. Fu had been invited as guest speaker in various MMIC Workshops since 1984. His recent talks on “Chip Antenna Arrays” and “MMWave MMICs” were given to National University of Singapore and IEEE Singapore MTT/AP Chapter in 2008 and South China University of Technology in 2010. He has been appointed as Honorary Visitor of The University of Melbourne, Australia, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Fudan University, China, all in 2008, and Member of International Collaborating

    Organization of Monash University, Australia, in 2009, for Australian Research Council Future Fellowship. Dr. Fu has served as Reviewer of various International Journals which include IEE Proceedings – Radar, Sonar and Navigation, IEEE Trans. AES, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, IEEE Trans. MTT, IEEE Microwave Magazines, Signal Processing, IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, and RFID Systems: Research trends and challenges, edited book, Wiley Series, etc. He has also served as External Examiner of PhD Theses of Monash University, Australia, etc. Dr. Fu was the recipient of Gold Medal for Contribution to Culture and Technology, YHC International, Hong Kong, 2000, Honorable Paper Award of 2009 ICONIC, 2009 CSTRWC and 2010 HSIC. He had supervised students to win many Student Group Prizes and Student Paper Awards. Dr. Fu had been the Secretary of IEEE-MTT Taipei Chapter in 1987-1988 and is a Senior Member of IEEE since 1992.



Journal articles & book chapters:


  1. Jeffrey S. Fu, Weixian Liu and Nemai C. Karmakar, “Design of Portable Smart Antenna System for RFID Reader: A New Approach," in N.C. Karmakar (editor), Handbook of Smart Antennas for RFID Systems, Chapter 11, pp.299-314, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 2010 
  2. Jeffrey S. Fu, Weixian Liu and Nemai C. Karmakar, “Optimum Power Allocation in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems Under Independent Rayleigh Fading," in N.C. Karmakar (editor), Handbook of Smart Antennas for RFID Systems, Chapter 19, pp.497-509, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 2010


傅祥教授國外SCI期刊論文 (2005- 2010)

  1. Jeffrey S. Fu, Dong-Hua Yang, Chin-I Yeh, Hsien-Chin Chiu, Kuo-Sheng Chin, Hsuan-Ling Kao and Jui-Ching Cheng, "Non-uniform Chebyshev Distributed Chirped Dumbbell-Shaped   Photonic Bandgap Structure (PBGs) Low Pass Filter," COMPEL-International Journal For Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, USA, Feb. 2010, pp. 295-305. SCI (impact factor=0.441, 178/229)
  2. Jeffrey S. Fu, Che-Yu Kuo, Shao-Wei Lin, Po-Yu Ke, Hsien-Chin Chiu, “A Wideband Gilbert Cell Mixer with an Integrated Marchand Balun Using 0.5um GaAs Enhancement-Mode pHEMT Technology” Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, vol 52, issue 6, pp. 1302-1306, 2010. SCI (impact factor =0.743, 144/229)
  3. Jeffrey S. Fu, Po-Yu Ke, Che-Yu Kuo, and Hsien-Chin Chiu, “An X-band Ultra-low Phase Noise Differential Colpitts VCO Using 0.15-μm pHEMT Technology,” International Journal of Electronics, vol. 97, 2010. SCI (impact factor =0.567, 160/229 )
  4. Jeffrey S. Fu, Dong-Hua Yang, Chin-I Yeh, N. C. Karmakar*, Jui-Ching Cheng, Kuo-Sheng Chin, Hsien-Chin Chiu and Jian Kang Xiao**, “Electromechanical Controlled Phased Array Dumbbell EBG Beam Steerer,” has been accepted to be published in Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 96, No. x, pp.xxx-xxx, 2010. SCI (impact factor =1.29, 92/229)
  5. Chien-Cheng Wei, Hsien-Chin Chiu, Shao-Wei Lin, Ting-Huei Chen, Jeffrey S. Fu, Feng-Tso Chien, “A Comparison Study of CMOS T/R Switches Using Gate/Source-terminated Field-Plate Transistors,” Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 225-229, Feb. 2010. SCI (impact factor =1.583, 68/229 )
  6. Chien-Cheng Wei, Hsien-Chin Chiu, Hui-Chen Hsu, Wu-Shiung Feng, Jeffrey S. Fu, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz Differential Active Sub-harmonic Mixer Located in CMOS Multi-layer Marchand Baluns,” Accepted by IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2010. SCI (impact factor =0.813, 136/229)
  7. Hsien-Chin Chiu, Chao-Hung Chen, Chih-Wei Yang, Jeffrey S. Fu, Cheng-Shun Wang, “Electrical and Reliability Characteristics of GaAs MOSHEMTs Utilizing High-k IIIB and IVB Oxide Layers,” has been accepted to be published in Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 96, No. x, pp.xxx-xxx, 2010. SCI (impact factor =1.29, 92/229 )
  8.  Hsien-Chin Chiu, Chao-Hung Chen, Chih-Wei Yang, Chao-Wei Lin, Che-Kai Lin, Cheng-Shun Wang, Jeffrey S. Fu, “GaAs Enhancement-Mode MOSHEMT with Pt/ZrO2/Ti/Au Composited Gate Structure,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Lett, vol. 13, pp.H188-H190, 2010. SCI (impact factor =2.001, 11/22 )Po-Yu Ke , Hsien-Chin Chiu, Jeffrey S. Fu, "Low Power Dual Transformer Injection Locked Frequency Divider using 0.5μm GaAs E/D-Mode PHEMTs Process," Accepted for publication in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2010. SCI (impact factor =0.743, 144/229)
  9. Hsien-Chin Chiu, Chih-Wei Yang, Chao-Hung Chen, Che-Kai Lin, Jeffrey S. Fu, Hsing-Yuan Tu, Shiang-Feng Tang, “High Thermal Stability AlGaAs/InGaAs Enhancement-Mode PHEMT Using Palladium-gate Technology,” has been accepted to be published in Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 96, No. x, pp.xxx-xxx, 2010. SCI (impact factor =1.29, 92/229 )
  10. C. Cai, W. Liu, Jeffrey S. Fu and Y. Lu , "Radar Micro-Doppler Signature Analysis of Vibrating Targets with the Hilbert-Huang Transform," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, USA, April 2010 issue. SCI (impact factor=1.024, 119/229 )
  11. Chia-Shih Cheng, Hsien-Chin Chiu, Shao-Wei Lin, Jeffrey S. Fu, “Improved Linearity Performance of AlGaAs/InGaAs Pseudomorphic HEMT Driver Amplifier Using Tunable Field-plate Voltage Technology,” has been accepted to be published in Microwave Journal, 2010. SCI (impact factor =0.52, 164/229)
  12. Hsien-Chin Chiu, Chao-Wei Lin, Chao-Hung Chen, Chih-Wei Yang, Che-Kai Lin, Jeffrey S. Fu, Liann-Be Chang, Ray-Ming Lin, Kuang-Po Hsueh, “Low Hysteresis Dispersion La2O3 AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs,” J. Electrochem. Soc. vol 157, no. 2, pp. H160-H164, Feb. 2010. SCI (impact factor =2.437, 1/16 )
  13. Hsien-Chin Chiu, Jeffrey. S. Fu, Chung-Wen Chen and Feng-Tso Chien, " RF Performance of GaAs pHEMT Switches with Various Upper/Lower δ Doped Ratio Designs," International Journal of Solid State Electronics, Elsevier Science, Vol. 53, No. 2, The Netherlands, pp. 181-184, Feb 2009. SCI (impact factor=1.422, 81/229)
  14. Feng-Tso Chien, Da-Wei Lin, Chih-Wei Yang, Jeffrey S. Fu and Hsien-Chin Chiu, “A Low Insertion Loss GaAs pHEMT Switch Utilizing Dual n+-Doping AlAs Etching Stop Layers Design,” Solid-State Electronics, Vol 54, Issue 3, pp.231-234, March 2010. SCI (impact factor =1.424, 81/229)
  15. Hsien-Chin Chiu, Po-Yu Ke, Che-Yu Kuo, Jeffrey S. Fu, Chih-Wei Yang and Feng-Tso Chien, “Voltage-controlled oscillator phase noise improvement using GaAs 0.5 μm Pt-buried gate enhancement-mode pHEMT,” Semicond. Sci. Technol., Vol. 24, No. 9, 095003 (5pp), Sep. 2009. SCI (impact factor =1.434, 79/229 )
  16. Hsien-Chin Chiu, Chih-Wei Yang, Chao-Hung Chen, Che-Kai Lin, Cheng-Shun Wang, Jeffrey S. Fu, “High Thermal Stability AlGaAs/InGaAs Enhancement-Mode pHEMT Using Iridium Buried-gate Technology,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 156, no. 12, pp. H877-H880, Dec. 2009. SCI (impact factor =2.437, 1/16 )
  17. Chien-Cheng Wei, Hsien-Chin Chiu, Yi-Tzu Yang, and Jeffrey S. Fu, “A Novel Complementary Colpitts Differential CMOS VCO with Low Phase Noise Performance,” Microelectronics Journal, vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 1698-1704, Dec. 2009. SCI (impact factor =0.859, 132/229 )
  18. C. Wei, H. Chiu, Y. Yang, Jeffrey S. Fu and W. Feng, "An UWB CMOS Voltage-Controlled Oscillator With 2-6 GHz Tuning Range Using Active Inductor Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, Vol.50 No. 9, USA, pp. 2311-2315, Sep. 2008. SCI (impact factor=0.743 144/299)
  19. M Mollah, N Karmakar and Jeffrey S Fu, "Uniform Circular PBGSs under BPF for Harmonic Suppression," AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier Science, Vol. 62, Issue 10, Germany, pp. 717-724, Nov. 2008. SCI (impact factor=0.371 193/229)
  20. Hsien-Chin Chiu, Jeffrey. S. Fu, Chung-Wen Chen and Feng-Tso Chien, " RF Performance of GaAs pHEMT Switches with Various Upper/Lower δ Doped Ratio Designs ", International Journal of Solid State Electronics, Elsevier Science, published on-line, The Netherland, Dec 2008, pp. 1-4 SCI (impact factor=1.422 81/229)
  21. Jeffrey S Fu, M Mollah and N Karmakar “ Novel Chebyshev Distributed Chirped Photonic Bandgap (PBG) Structures”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, published on-line,  USA,  Feb 2007,  pp. 1-19  SCI, EI (impact factor=0.692 147/229)
  22. M Mollah, N Karmakar and Jeffrey S Fu, “Development of Phased Array Antenna by Controlling the filling Factor of Periodic Structure”, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 3, USA,  May 2007, pp. 353-359   SCI, EI (impact factor=0.462 174/229)
  23. Jeffrey S Fu, T Teo and E Tan, "Fully Frequency Synthesizer Design for Wireless Network Application with Digital Programmability ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, published on-line, USA, July 2007, pp.1-4 SCI, EI (impact factor=0.743 144/229)
  24. M Mollah, N Karmakar and Jeffrey S Fu, "Uniform Circular PBGSs under BPF for Harmonic Suppression", AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier Science, published on-line, Germany, Oct 2007, pp. 1-8 SCI,EI (impact factor=0.371 193/229)
  25. Jeffrey S Fu, T Teo and E Tan, "Fully Frequency Synthesizer Design for Wireless Network Application with Digital Programmability ", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, USA, Oct 2007, pp. 2579-2582 SCI, EI (impact factor=0.743 144/229)
  26. C Cai, W. Liu, Jeffrey S Fu and Y Lu, “A New Approach for Ground Moving Target Indication in Foliage Environment”, Signal Processing Journal, Vol. 86, Issue 1, The Netherlands, Jan 2006, pp. 84-97  SCI, EI (impact factor=1.256 96/229)
  27. Z Du, K Gong and Jeffrey S Fu, “A Novel Compact Wideband Planar Antenna for Mobile Handsets”,  IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, Vol.54, No.2, USA, Feb 2006, pp. 613-619  SCI, EI (impact factor=2.479 36/229)
  28. M Mollah, N Karmakar and Jeffrey S Fu, “Binomially Distributed Photonic Bandgap Structure and Its Application to Bandpass Filter”, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, published on-line, USA, April 2006, pp. 1-12  SCI, EI (impact factor=0.462 174/229)
  29. Jeffrey S Fu, M Mollah and N Karmakar “Chebyshev Distributed Chirped Photonic Bandgap (PBG) Structures”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.27,  No.4,  USA,  April 2006,  pp.571-589  SCI, EI (0.692 147/229)
  30. M Mollah, N Karmakar and Jeffrey S Fu, “A Binomially Distributed PBG Structure and Its Application to Bandpass Filter”, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, USA, July 2006, pp. 355-366  SCI, EI (impact factor=0.462 174/229)
  31. W Wang, Jeffrey S Fu, Y Z Xiong and Y Lu, “Compact Bandpass Filter Using Folded Coupled-line ”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 45, No. 1, USA, April 2005, pp. 32-35. CI, EI (impact factor=0.743 144/229)
  32. C. Cai, W. Liu, Jeffrey S. Fu and Y. Lu, "A New Approach for Ground Moving Target Indication in Foliage Environment", Signal Processing, Published on-line, The Netherlands, May 2005, pp.1-14.  S, EI (impact factor=1.256 96/229)
  33. W Wang, Y Lu, Jeffrey S Fu and Y Xiong, “Particle Swarm Optimization and Finite Element Based Approach for Microwave Filter Design”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 41, No. 5, USA, May 2005, pp. 1800-1803. SCI, EI (impact factor=1.129 110/229)
  34. M Mollah, N Karmakar and Jeffrey S Fu, “Novel Tapered Hybrid Defected Ground Structure”,   International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, published on-line, USA, June 2005, pp. 1-7  SCI, EI (impact factor=0.462 174/229)
  35. M Mollah, N Karmakar and Jeffrey S Fu, “Investigation of Novel Tapered Hybrid Defected Ground Structure (DGS)”,   International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 6, USA, Nov 2005, pp. 544-550. SCI, EI (impact factor=0.462 174/229)
  36. M Mollah, N Karmakar and Jeffrey S Fu, “Investigation of Novel Tapered Hybrid Defected Ground Structure (DGS)”,   International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 6, USA, Nov 2005, pp. 544-550. SCI, EI (impact factor=0.462 174/229)
  37. Y Xiong, T Teo and Jeffrey S Fu, “Direct Extraction of Equivalent Circuit Parameters for Balun on Silicon Substrate”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.52, No.8, USA, Aug 2005, pp. 1915-1917. SCI, EI (impact factor=2.730 28/229)